Installing iCR

It is quick and easy to get going on analyzing and automatically correcting programming errors in your projects. With your iCR subscription (either paid or a Test Drive trial subscription), you will have been sent a message acknowledging your subscription and a license key. Your license will enable iCR to execute on any platform upon which it has been installed. The license manages usage through tracking consumption. If more than one platform is running iCR, they can share the license and the total consumption will be reduced as the analyses complete on each distinct platform.

Your license is enabled for a period of time and for a maximum number of OpenRefactory Bundled Lines of Code (OBLoCs). OBLoCs consist of only those executable lines of code that are actually used in the analysis. This means that whitespace and most comments are NOT counted against your licensed capacity. To get an estimate of a project’s OBLoC count, you can use the Linux utility cloc.

NOTE: Should you exhaust your OBLoC capacity, iCR will not be able to continue. In this case contact OpenRefactory to learn how to extend your license.

The iCR framework is designed to operate within a Docker run-time environment. Docker allows you to execute packages like iCR on your private Linux platform and know that it will be protected from other software on your system and your network. If you need to install Docker, please refer to the Docker installation instructions which can be found here:

NOTE: Once Docker is installed, you will want to follow the common practice of creating a User Group to allow Docker access without requiring root privileges for each command. To learn how to do that, please refer to this Docker post-install information. These instructions assume that you have done that so executing most icr commands will not require typing sudo before each command invocation.

Your installation process will depend upon the flavor of Linux that you have chosen for the iCR platform. Debian derived distributions such as Ubuntu use the apt framework. RedHat distibutions use the RedHat Package Manager (RPM) model with Yum and DNF. The 2 package models are similar and we will cover each of them individually.

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